
July 16, 2013

Newsletter December 2013- February 2014

Winter is coming!
It’s time to wrap up warm and take extra care when out and about. Wearing supportive footwear that have good grips can help prevent falling. Allow extra time when walking so you don’t have to rush.

What to do if you twist your ankle?
If you have severe pain, swelling and are unable to walk and you think it may be broken go to A & E immediately.Follow the advice given by A& E –  Normally the basic R.I.C.E (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) for the first 48 hours.

The ankle joint is a dynamic and weight bearing joint. It has many ligaments to add stability.  If you twist your ankle badly, ligament damage and fractures are not uncommon.

After spraining your ankle it is important to get your ankle moving, your walking and balance back to normal.  Depending how bad the sprain is it may take up to 8 weeks for your ankle to heal and longer to get back to sport.

Our experienced physiotherapists will fully assess your problem, give you advice and a tailored exercises plan. Ultrasound and specialised massage can also help speed recovery.


No matter whether your condition was caused by a sport, work accident or otherwise, we welcome the chance to serve you.

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