The Benefits of Physiotherapy for Golfers

physiotherapy for golfers

February 7, 2024

The Benefits of physiotherapy for golfers

It’s that dreaded time of the year that all golfers despise… winter golf. Winter golf is a challenging yet rewarding experience for golf enthusiasts. While the cold weather and shorter days may deter some players, others relish the opportunity to test and improve their skills. Physiotherapy for golfers during this period could be the key to a successful season ahead.

With increased practice this winter, repeated swings and increased vibratory forces from hitting balls off mats can lead to injuries such as golfer’s elbow, shoulder impingement, and lower back pain. As such, golfers need to take care of their bodies to avoid injuries and optimise their performance. This is where golf physiotherapy comes in.

Here at Physiotherapy Matters, we help golfers improve their performance by addressing any physical limitations or weaknesses that may be hindering their game. Through screening assessments, targeted exercises and stretches, we can help golfers increase their flexibility, strength, speed and power leading to enhanced golf performance.

In addition to improving performance, physiotherapy can also help prevent injuries in golfers. The repetitive nature of golf swings can put a lot of strain on the body, leading to injuries.

Kinematic studies have highlighted the importance of adequate flexibility, particularly in the thoracic spine, shoulders, and hips, to achieve the body positions required to optimise club head velocity. Nevertheless, a combination of mobility, stability, strength, and cardiovascular fitness is frequently recommended for optimal ‘golf fitness’.

Here are 3 key areas to develop strength & mobility for golf:

The Shoulders

Golf is an asymmetrical sport requiring different movements and actions from the lead and non-lead upper and lower limbs. A right-handed golfer will require greater range of external rotation of the right shoulder than the left and subsequently more adduction of the left than the right during the swing. Having a good range of movement in both shoulders helps both technique and reducing excess forces to other areas of the body during the swing. Additionally, a strong shoulder can help generate more power and control during the swing, leading to better ball contact and longer shots.

The Thoracic spine

Thoracic spine mobility is crucial for golf players as it allows them to rotate their upper body and generate power during the swing. Without adequate mobility in the thoracic spine, golfers may compensate by overusing their lower back or neck, leading to potential injuries. Additionally, poor thoracic mobility can affect posture and alignment, resulting in a decrease in accuracy and consistency of shots. Therefore, golfers should incorporate exercises and that stretch and strengthen the thoracic spine to improve their overall performance on the course.

The Hips

Having good range of internal and external rotation in the hips is important to facilitate a full and efficient swing through correct loading and weight transference through the feet and up the chain during the golf swing. Limitations in hip rotation have been shown to be linked with increased low back pain in golfers. Therefore, it is crucial for golfers to prioritize hip mobility and strength training in their fitness regimen.

Overall, physiotherapy is an essential component of any golfer’s training regimen. Players should take extra precautions to warm up properly and stretch before teeing off to prevent injury. By improving performance and preventing injuries, physiotherapy can help golfers of all levels achieve their full potential on the course.


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Sell TC, Tsai YS, Smoliga JM, Myers JB, Lephart SM. Strength, flexibility, and balance characteristics of highly proficient golfers. J Strength Cond Res. 2007;21(4):1166–71.

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